Refinement Relation
The refinement map or refinement relation mainly consists of two parts: variable mappings and instruction completion conditions. These two parts are specified in two separate files, one referred as var-map and the other inst-cond.
Besides the above two parts, there are other auxiliary information needed. They are:
module naming: The names of the ILA module and the Verilog module.
global invariants: Some properties that are globally true for the Verilog design that will be checked separately and can be safely assumed when verifying individual instructions.
interface signal information: What does the interface of the Verilog top module look like and what do these signals mean to the tool.
uninterpreted function mapping: What an uninterpreted function inside the ILA model corresponds to.
The Structure of Variable Mappings
The Structure of Instruction Completion Conditions
Module Naming
The module naming section comes first in the var-map JSON file. It is a dictionary (map) with two elements. One element should have the key ILA
and the value of it is what will be used as the instance name of the ILA module. The other element should have the key VERILOG
with the value to be the instance name of the Verilog module. These names are used in all the expressions later when you want to refer to a variable in Verilog or ILA.
Variable Mapping
The variable mapping in the JSON file is a map data structure. The keys of this map are the state variable names in the ILA model while the values are the Verilog variables. There are cases that one Verilog state variable can be mapped to multiple Verilog state variables and the mapping may be some special function. So the allowed value field of this map can be:
A Verilog variable name as a string. If the Verilog variable is in the top module of Verilog, you can omit the module name (it does not hurt to add it). Otherwise, you must specify the complete hierarchy. For example, if you want to refer to a signal
in moduleA
that is instantiated with nameIA
in the top module, while the top module's instance name isVERILOG
(specified in the previous section), then you should useVERILOG.IA.S
to refer to it.A predicate that has at least a
in it (you can use>=
and etc.) This is just for our parser to distinguish it from the first case.A string-string pair that is in the form of a list or map. If it is given as a list, the first element is regarded as the condition and the second element is regarded as the mapping. It conveys the meaning of "when the condition is true, the ILA and Verilog variables should have the mapping". If the condition is not true, there is no mapping guaranteed. If the string-string pair is given as a map, it must have two elements. One element should have the key
and the other should have the keymap
. Themap
part could be a string of Verilog variable name as in case (1) or a Verilog expression as case (2).A list of string-string pairs, each pair follows requirement in (3).
If the ILA variable on the left is a memory, the right side depends on whether the Verilog memory is internal or external. If inside Verilog, there is an array that corresponds to this memory, you can directly use this name on the right side. Otherwise, you can make this ILA memory to map with an external memory using
Below are some of the examples:
The corresponding generated assumptions will be in the following form:
and the assertions:
One note in the above example: the condition can refer to special signals (__START__
and __IEND__
), which are the condition when the instruction-under-verification starts to execute and finishes.
Instruction Completion Condition
The instruction completion condition is specified per instruction. In the JSON file, it is a list of maps. The list does not need to be a full list of instructions. Those not in the list will not be verified. Each dictionary must have an element whose key is instruction
and the value of this element is the name of the instruction in the ILA model. Besides this name element, it must contain one of the ready bound
or the ready signal
element. The ready bound
specifies a bound that the instruction takes. It is used for instructions that take a fixed number of cycles. Alternatively, one can provide a signal (or a predicate) in the ready signal
There are several optional fields. They are start condition
, max bound
, flush constraint
, pre-flush end
and post-flush end
The start condition
field, if provided, should be a list of strings. Each string is a Verilog expression that acts as a predicate on the Verilog design. It can be used to constrain the Verilog implementation state, because usually there are more microarchitectural (implementation states) in the design. For the starting state of an instruction, these microarchitectural states should be consistent
with the visible states in the ILA, and you can use this field to enforce the consistency
at your discretion. You can use $decode$
and $valid$
to refer to the instruction's decode function or its ILA valid condition.
The max bound
can be used when ready signal
field is provided. It provides an assumption that the condition that the ready signal
field specified will occur in the given number of cycles, and this will limit the model checking to that bound. Usually this is used for the additional environment assumptions about the input (for example, how many cycles at most there are for a request to be served with a response).
The flush constraint
, pre-flush end
and post-flush end
signals are used when using the flushing verification setting. For this verification setting, you can refer to TODAES19 on the ILA-based verification or the Burch-Dill's approach on processor verification.
Global Invariants
In the verification of instructions, we do not assume the design starts from the initial states. This helps us to get a better guarantee of the instruction correctness when only bounded model checking is used. However, if there is no constraints on the starting state of an instruction, there might be spurious bugs just because the design starts from a state that it will never reach when started from the reset state. In order to avoid this false positive, we use global invariants to constrain on the starting state. These invariants help rule out some unreachable states and the tool will generate a separate target to check whether the provided invariants are globally true or not. These invariants should be provided as a list of strings, where each string is a Verilog predicate. In the future, we will exploit invariant synthesis techniques to help synthesize these invariants.
Interface Signal Information
The Verilog module comes with a set of I/O signals and the tool needs to know how these signals should be connected. The interface mapping
field is a map whose keys are the Verilog I/O signal names and whose values can be one of the following:
An ILA input name. This means that the Verilog input signal corresponds to one ILA input. They must have the same encoding and bit-width.
directive. Telling the tool to have a wire of the same name and to connect it as the verification wrapper I/O.**NC**
directive, indicating that this port does not need to be connected.**SO**
directive, indicating that this is actually a direct output from a visible state variable (a state variable that is modeled in the ILA).**RESET**
directive. Indicating that this signal is the reset signal, active-high or active-low (we assume synchronous reset).**CLOCK**
directive, indicating that this is the clock signal.**MEM**name.signal
directive, indicating this signal is the connection to an external/shared memory. The name part should be the ILA state variable name of the memory, and the signal part could be one of the following:wdata
. If the signal does not directly correspond to the write/read data, write/read address, write/read enable signal, it should be specified as**KEEP**
, you can specify the mapping using "annotation" which will be dicussed below.
For example, for a Verilog input signal control
, the effects of applying different directives are:
An ILA input name, e.g.,
. The tool will check if ILA indeed has the inputc1
and the type is matched. The wire__ILA_I_c1
will be created and will be connected to the input portcontrol
directive. The tool will check if the signal is input or output and create an input/output wire named__VLG_I_control
with the proper width and connect to the port.**NC**
directive. The tool will have it unconnected like.control()
directive. The tool will check if it is indeed an output and create an output wire__VLG_SO_control
and connect to the port. In this example, because it is actually an input, the tool will give warning.**RESET**
. It will be connected as.control(rst)
, whererst
is the reset signal of the wrapper.**CLOCK**
directive. It will be connected as.control(clk)
, whereclk
is the clock signal of the wrapper.**MEM**name.signal
. The tool will check ifname
is an ILA memory name. It will be connected as.control(__MEM_name_0_signal)
Notes on Memory State Variable
Memory state variable might be internal or external to the module. An internal memory variable corresponds to a verilog array, and therefore no specific I/O interface is needed to access the memory. An external memory is a memory that connects with the current module via I/O interface. By default, all memory variables in the ILA are treated as external memory. The default setting can be override by annotation in refinement map, and here is an example:
The above annotation specifies memory named as rf
and mem
as internal and external respectively. Being internal or external affects how properties are generated. The mapping of internal memory is element-wise with expressions comparing two verilog arrays entry by entry, which is inefficient for a large memory. The mapping of external memory will use memory abstraction, which is more efficient. (In the future, we will support mapping internal memory using the Array data-type of the underlying property verifier.)
For the external memory, it is likely that there isn't a one-to-one mapping between the module interface and the six signals required by the memory abstraction module: wdata
(write-data) ,rdata
(read-data), waddr
(read-address), wen
(write-enable), ren
(read-enable). Therefore, we support specifying the mapping using the annotation here. An example of the syntax is given below.
In the above example, MemoryName
should be the name of the memory state variable in ILA and port1
, port2
should be one of wdata
(write-data) ,rdata
(read-data), waddr
(read-address), wen
(write-enable), ren
(read-enable). The Verilog expression after the colon represents how to use the Verilog signal to compute the interface signals. Note that this kind of mapping assumes the ports of an abstract memory state can be represented as a function of solely the Verilog signals. If this is not feasible for the design you are looking at, you can use the additional mapping capability provided by mapping control
section described later in this chapter.
Uninterpreted Function Mapping
The ILA model may use uninterpreted functions, however, in the verification, the tool must know the correspondence of this uninterpreted function in order to reason about the correctness. In the functions
field of the var-map JSON, a map should be provided if uninterpreted function is used in the ILA model. The keys of the map are the function names, with the values in a list. Each element of this list is for one application of this function. Per each function application, the tool needs to know the correspondence of the arguments/result in the Verilog and when that happens, this is like a condition/mapping pair, and it is specified as a list. The correspondence of the function result goes first followed by the arguments (in the same order as the arguments in ILA function definitions).
For example in the ILA there is such specification
Then in the refinement map
Additional Mapping
Sometimes, the mapping between Verilog variables and ILA state variables does not fit easily into the state mapping section. For example, you may need a customized mapping from the Verilog design's memory interface to the provided 6-signal memory interface. The AES case study provides an example of this. The Verilog design uses two signals stb
and wr
to indicate memory read and write enable, which are different from the ren
and wen
signals. Therefore a mapping can be provided as follows:
Assumptions in the mapping control
section does not appear in the invariant or invariant synthesis target.
Additional Assumptions
This section allows users to add additional assumptions in the verification. They can be, for example, an assumption about the module I/O.
Assumptions in this section are in effect when verifying the instructions, the invariants and when synthesizing the invariants.
Value Holder
Value holder (a.k.a prophecy variables, auxiliary variables and etc.) can be introduced to capture the value of a Verilog variable at a certain time (or under a certain condition). Below is an example of a value holder:
The above value holder will be translated to the following Verilog code fragments in the Verilog.
It creates an auxiliary Verilog variable r1_pvholder
which carries a undetermined value. Its value keeps the same all the time, and an assumption says this undetermined value is same as the specified value m1.registers[1]
, under the condition that m1.write_enable == 1
. This variables can be referenced in other sections by #r1_pvholder#
(this tells the tool not to find this signal name in the original Verilog design. The width
part can also be a string "auto"
, which tells the tool to automatically determine the width (in case of failure, error will be prompted.) This value holder does not check if there is only one cycle that m1.write_enable == 1
holds. If there are multiple cycles that its condition holds, the assumption may overconstrain if m1.registers[1]
should carry different values at these points. This situation should be avoided.
Verilog Monitor
In the case that user may want to add customized auxiliary variables, we support inline monitors for this purpose.
An example is given as follows:
This creates a 2-bit variable stage_tracker
to track the number of cycles (this is just for demoing the syntax of Verilog monitor, you can in fact use the embedded variable __CYCLE_CNT__
to track the number of cycles). Variables that should be accessible outside the monitor should be defined in the defs
list with its name, bit-width and its type: reg
or wire
. Variables used only inside the monitor can be defined inside the verilog
code list. Any variable inside the original Verilog, if referenced, should be put in the list of refs
. This will help our tool to add auxiliary wires to connect them with the monitor.
Value holders and monitors are normally only in effect when verifying instructions. If you want a monitor to appear also when verifying the invariants, you can add the "keep-for-invariants":true
attribute in the monitor's description following the defs
and refs
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